- YSC-306L intelligent stainless steel cement curing water tank The product is water-cured according to the requirements of the national standards GB / T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 to ensure that the specimen is cured within the temperature range of 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃. Independent temperature control to ensure that the water temperature is uniform without interfering with each other. Helsta líkami þessarar vöru er úr 304 ryðfríu stáli og forritanlegur stjórnandi er notaður við gagnaöflun ...
- High Temperature Laboratory Muffle Oven 1600 Degree Uses:Box-type resistance furnace designed for chemical element analysis, and small pieces of steel hardening, annealing, tempering, and other high temperature heat treatment in laboratories of industrial and mining enterprises, universities, research institutes; can also be used for sintering of metal, stone, ceramic, dissolution analysis of high-temperature heating. Einkenni: 1. Einstök hurðarhönnun, örugg og auðveld hurð ...
- Product Description Concrete Standard Temperature Humidity Curing Chamber According to user requirements, in order to facilitate the maintenance of cement and concrete specimens to reach national standards, our company has specially manufactured a new 80B constant temperature and humidity curing box to meet customers with relatively large specimens. Úr ryðfríu stáli. Technical Parameters: 1. Liner size: 1450 x 580 x 1350 (mm) 2. Capacity: 150 pieces of concrete 150 x 150 test mold...